Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography
Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography


Just a smile

Christian, Gafenesch, Christian Gafenesch, Photographe, Photographes, Alsace, Photographe Alsace, Photographes Alsace, Photo, Photos, Photographie, Photographies, Image, Images, Art, Arts, Artistique, Artistiques, Culture, Cultures, Culturel, Culturels, Shooting, Studio, Studios, Modèle, Modèles, Top, Tops, Plan, Plans, Portrait, Portraits, Regard, Regards, Oeil, Yeux, Peau, Peaux, Charme, Sensuel, Sensuels, Lingerie, Lingeries, Nu, Nus, Nue, Nues, Paysage, Paysages, Urbain, Urbains, Urbaine, Urbaines, Ville, Villes, Immeuble, Immeubles, Infrastructure, Infrastructures, Pont, Ponts, Rue, Rues, Ruelle, Ruelles, Chemin, Chemins, Nature, Forêt, Forêts, Arbre, Arbres, Nature, Natures, Nature morte, Natures mortes, Appareil, Appareils, Flash, Flashs, Panasonic, Lumix, GX9, Cellule, Cellules, Format, Formats, Argentique, Argentiques, Reflex, Reflexs, Hybride, Hybrides, Objectif, Objectifs, Leïca, Lentille, Lentilles, Vitesse, Ouverture, ISO, Automatique, Manuel, Manuelle, Mise au point, Mises au point, Autofocus, Flou, Flous, Net, Nets, Profondeur, Profondeurs, Champ, Champs, Lumière, Lumières, Ombre, Ombres, Noir, Noirs, Blanc, Blancs, Noir et blanc, Noirs et blancs, Monochrome, Monochrome, Couleur, Couleurs, Diffuseur, Diffuseurs, Eclairage, Eclairages, Lampe, Lampes, Ampoule, Ampoules, Fond, Fonds, Traiter, Traitement, Traitements, Développer, Développement, Développements, Retouche, Retouches, Photoshop, Lightroom, Pixelmator, gomme, gommes, pinceau, pinceaux, peindre, jpg, jpeg, heic, raw, psd, gif, png, composition, compositions, focus, contraste, contrastes, densité, densités, calque, calques, fusion, fusions, filtre, filtres, effet, effets, détourer, détourage, détourages, premier plan, premiers plans, arrière, arrières, devant devants, arrière plan, arrières plans, dégradé, dégradés, Portfolio, Portfolios, émotion, émotions, sens, sentiment, sentiments, contre-jour, Photographer, Photographers, Alsace, Photographer Alsace, Photographers Alsace, Photo, Photos, Photography, Photographs, Image, Images, Art, Arts, Artistic, Artistic, Culture, Cultures, Cultural, Cultural, Shooting, Studio , Studios, Model, Models, Top, Tops, Plan, Plans, Portrait, Portraits, Look, Looks, Eye, Eyes, Skin, Skins, Charm, Sensual, Sensual, Lingerie, Lingerie, Naked, Naked, Naked, Naked, Landscape , Landscapes, Urban, Urban, Urban, Urban, City, Cities, Building, Buildings, Infrastructure, Infrastructures, Bridge, Bridges, Street, Streets, Alley, Alleys, Path, Paths, Nature, Forest, Forests, Tree, Trees, Nature , Still lifes, Still lifes, Device, Devices, Flash, Flashes, Panasonic, Lumix, GX9, Cell, Cells, Format, Formats, Film, Film, Reflex, Reflexs, Hybrid, Hybrids, Lens, Lenses, Leïca, Lens , Lenses, Speed, Aperture, ISO, Auto, Manual, Manual, Focus, Focus s in focus, Autofocus, Blur, Blurs, Net, Nets, Depth, Depths, Field, Fields, Light, Lights, Shade, Shadows, Black, Blacks, White, Whites, Black and white, Blacks and whites, Monochrome, Monochrome, Color, Colors, Diffuser, Diffusers, Lighting, Lightings, Lamp, Lamps, Bulb, Bulbs, Background, Funds, Treat, Processing, Treatments, Develop, Development, Developments, Retouching, Retouching, Photoshop, Lightroom, Pixelmator, eraser, erasers, brush, brushes, paint, jpg, jpeg, heic, raw, psd, gif, png, composition, compositions, focus, contrast, contrasts, density, densities, layer, layers, blend, blends, filter, filters, effect, effects, clipping, clipping, clippings, foreground, foregrounds, back, backs, front fronts, background, backgrounds, gradient, gradients, Portfolio, Portfolios, emotion, emotions, sense, feeling, feelings, backlight, Fotograf, Fotografen, Elsass, Fotograf Elsass, Fotografen Elsass, Foto, Fotos, Fotografie, Fotografien, Bild, Bilder, Kunst, Kunst, Künstlerisch, Künstlerisch, Kultur, Kulturen, Kulturell, Kulturell, Schießen, Studio , Studios, Model, Models, Top, Tops, Plan, Pläne, Portrait, Portraits, Look, Aussehen, Auge, Augen, Haut, Skins, Charme, Sinnlich, Sinnlich, Unterwäsche, Unterwäsche, Nackt, Nackt, Nackt, Nackt, Landschaft , Landschaften, Städtisch, Städtisch, Städtisch, Städtisch, Stadt, Städte, Gebäude, Gebäude, Infrastruktur, Infrastrukturen, Brücke, Brücken, Straße, Straßen, Gasse, Gassen, Pfad, Pfade, Natur, Wald, Wälder, Baum, Bäume, Natur , Stilleben, Stilleben, Gerät, Geräte, Blitz, Blitze, Panasonic, Lumix, GX9, Zelle, Zellen, Format, Formate, Film, Film, Reflex, Reflexe, Hybrid, Hybride, Objektiv, Objektive, Leïca, Objektiv , Objektive , Geschwindigkeit, Blende, ISO, Auto, Manuell, Manuell, Fokus, Fokus s im Fokus, Autofokus, Unschärfe, Unschärfen, Netz, Netze, Tiefe, Tiefen, Feld, Felder, Licht, Lichter, Schatten, Schatten, Schwarz, Schwarz, Weiß, Weiß, Schwarz und Weiß, Schwarz und Weiß, Monochrom, Monochrom, Farbe, Farben, Diffusor, Diffusoren, Beleuchtung, Beleuchtung, Lampe, Lampen, Glühbirne, Glühbirnen, Hintergrund, Geldmittel, Behandeln, Verarbeitung, Behandlungen, Entwickeln, Entwicklung, Entwicklungen, Retusche, Retusche, Photoshop, Lightroom, Pixelmator, Radiergummi, Radiergummis, Pinsel, Pinsel, Farbe, jpg, jpeg, heic, roh, psd, gif, png, Zusammensetzung, Zusammensetzungen, Fokus, Kontrast, Kontraste, Dichte, Dichten, Schicht, Schichten, Mischung, Mischungen, Filter, Filter, Effekt, Effekte, Ausschnitt, Ausschnitt, Ausschnitte, Vordergrund, Vordergründe, Rückseite, Rückseiten, Vorderseiten, Hintergrund, Hintergründe, Farbverlauf, Farbverläufe, Portfolio, Portfolios, Emotion, Emotionen, Sinn, Gefühl, Gefühle, Hintergrundbeleuchtung

Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

Prague / Czech republic

Just a smile

Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

Prague / Czech republic

Just a smile

Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

Prague / Czech republic


Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

St Michael's Mount / Normandy

The holy residence

Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

St Michael's Mount / Normandy


Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

Island of Jersey / Britain

Time for me

Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

At Home / Colmar

Time for me

Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

At Home / Colmar

Time for me

Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

At Home / Colmar


Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

Fun car show / Illzach


Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

Fun car show / Illzach


Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

Fun car show / Illzach


Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

At Home / Bartenheim


Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

At Home / Bartenheim


Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

At Home / Bartenheim


Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

Private House / Colmar


Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

Town Centre / Colmar


Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

Prague / Czech republic

How to be free ?

Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

Vienna / Austria

How to be free ?

Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

Plessis-Bourré Castle / Écuillé

How to be free ?

Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

Square / Colmar

Rock or not

Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

Concert Hall / Illzach

Rock or not

Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

The Mines / Bollwiller

Rock or not

Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

Town hall courtyard / Vannes


Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

Beach / Berder Island


Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

In the City / Mulhouse


Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

Beach / Berder Island


Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

In the City / Mulhouse


Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

Center Parc / Hattigny


Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

Prague / Czech republic

The playlist

Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

In the City / Mulhouse

On the avenue

Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

In the City / Mulhouse

No more school

Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

In the City / Mulhouse


Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

Fun car show / Illzach


Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

Fun car show / Illzach


Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

Fun car show / Illzach


Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

The Devil's Clinic / Stosswihr


Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

In the City / Mulhouse


Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

The Devil's Clinic / Stosswihr


Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

Plessis-Bourré Castle / Écuillé


Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

Plessis-Bourré Castle / Écuillé


Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

Plessis-Bourré Castle / Écuillé


Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

Hartmann Manufacture / Munster


Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

Hartmann Manufacture / Munster


Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

Hartmann Manufacture / Munster


Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

The Devil's Clinic / Stosswihr


Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

Old Factory / Bartenheim


Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

Prague / Czech republic

A breath

Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

Prague / Czech republic


Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

Prague / Czech republic

Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography
Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography